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Kinesiology Taping
Kinesiology tape is a stretchy, athletic tape that sticks directly to the hair of animals and people to improve function. I refer to it as "magic tape", having used it on myself and used it on my fathers knee and grandfathers back with excellent results.
The benefits and how it works:
Pain reduction
Kinesiology tape provides a quick and natural reduction in the pain sensation. Naturally reduces pain by blocking pain receptors.
Improved Lymphatic/Blood Circulation
Reduces inflammation and improves circulation by mechanically decompressing the skin and soft tissue leading to increased lymph and blood flow, which leads to decreased imflammation.
Supports Muscles and Joints
Adds support to injured muscles and joints to reduce further injury and improve function.
Increased Proprioception
Proprioception is the ability to sense how one’s body parts are positioned. Example: when a person is blindfolded, they can still touch their nose or point to where their foot is because they know where it is without seeing it. The tape stimulates proprioceptive nerves that contribute to the brain’s sense of where the body parts are in space during movement.

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